Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Best Books of 2011 and Beyond

Of all the "End of the Year" best books lists that are published each year at this time, my favorite has always been the one from Ignatius Insight. I appreciate seeing what books many of these fine Ignatius Press authors have read during the past year. After reading the list, I find myself desiring to find more time in life to be able to read a mere fraction of the books listed. But alas, that is not my lot in life at this point, so I must follow the wise words of Gandalf the Grey: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

With that said, I would like to try, once more, another book study. One which we will finish! :) Do we have any recommendations? Whatever book is chosen, we will focus on reading one chapter per week, in order to bring about, hopefully, greater discussion. Your contributions are essential for this to be fruitful!

Here are a couple of suggestions from me, although I am open to other recommendations:

Simply Jesus, NT Wright

The Meaning of the Bible, Knight and Levine

Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes: Cultural Studies in 1 Corinthians by Bailey


  1. As for the books I read last year the absolute winner is: "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist" by Brant Pitre.

    And what about continuing Bible Study Series?

    God bless and happy new year!


  2. DDB,

    There will be another Bible study series in the near future.

  3. Hello Timothy,

    Do you know anyone who has read: The Meaning of the Bible? It looks like an interesting read.


  4. "The Meaning of the Bible" sounds like a good faith underminer; the infamous John Shelby Spong gave it a healthy plug.

    The book suggests the exodus really didn't happen, and if it didn't then it causes you to wonder, really, at poor Israel celebrating all those non-historical past events. It sort of makes them a pitiable people, like St. Paul calls Christians if the Resurrection didn't happen.

  5. On the other hand, if it's a founding myth, a self-defining one, is that any different from ancient Rome's belief in its founding by Romulous and Remus? Doesn't the incarnational aspect of the Bible suggest that God condescends to us and thus meets us at our level? In that time myth was not so discredited and history not so well-regarded. Grace perfects nature, it doesn't obliterate it and at the time every culture was likely celebrating "false" things. Israel was worshiping the true God, or at least had a notion that was much truer than other nations (i.e. monotheism versus polytheism) and perhaps that should be enough.
