Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Seeking a Permanent Guest Blogger

After reviewing the helpful comments from you, my dear readers, regarding what you would like to see on this blog as we enter 2012, I have decided that this blog would be enhanced by the presence of one or two permanent guest columns. While I enjoy providing reviews and commentary on all things Catholic Bibles, I am convinced that this blog would benefit from some other voices. (I will continue to do my best in providing as much Catholic Bible info to you in 2012.)

I am happy to annoucence that we will continue in January with the new monthly humor post, entitled Geoffey's Biblical Comedary, which began this month. I look forward to reading what Geoffrey has in store for us in 2012. However, I would also like to add one more additional column for this blog. That is where you come in. I would like to open this column up to you. I know there are a number of very creative readers of this blog, who have a talent for writing and have a deep love of Scripture. So, if you are interested, please consult the following requirements to see if you are interest:

1) Compose 1-2 original columns per month on any subject related to Catholic Bibles. (Each column would be emailed to me directly, where I would then review and post directly to the site.)

2) Be engaged in the comment discussion after column is published each month.

3) Be a faithful Catholic, who honestly desires to promote the joy of reading the Holy Scriptures.

If you are interested, please email me your proposal to mccorm45 (at) yahoo (dot) com by the end of the week. I will review any applications and hopefully make an announcement before the end of Advent.

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