Thursday, December 1, 2011

NRSV w/ Grail Psalms on Sale

Amazon UK has slashed its prices for the Collins NRSV w/ Grail Psalms. You can now purchase it for £12.90. For a brief review I did on this Bible, you can go here.

I wonder if this means that the adapted NRSV w/ Revised Grail Psalter, which is being prepared for the UK lectionary, will be coming out in 2012?

Thanks to reader Llanbedr for alerting me to this.


  1. Tim,

    According to the website of the English and Welsh Bishop's Conference:

    'A new publication of the Lectionary is in preparation. The selection of readings will remain the same but the text will be drawn from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible and the Grail Psalter. Both of these translations however have to be considered in the light of Liturgiam Authenticam. There is no date yet for the new publication of the Lectionary but it is not expected to be imminent.'

    I'm reliably informed that this means 5/6 years.

    This edition, unlike the Ignatius RSV2CE, does not itself conform to Liturgiam Authenticam.

  2. Given how long the NABRE looked like it was going to be released "soon" for over a year or two, I'm not sure I'd hold my breath for the NRSV-2CE w/RGP.

    Speaking of the Revised Grail Psalms... are there parishes that use them in the US? My parish's new missalettes still have the psalms from last year, and we certainly haven't bought new matching lectionaries to go with the new missals.

  3. Hello Tim. Any word on when the NRSV with cross-references may be coming? If that is far off, what NRSV reader's bible (i.e., not a thick study bible), preferably in something other than paperback or hardback, do you recommend? Does anyone produce a cross-references "booklet?" Many thanks.

  4. Anon,

    No word on the NRSV with cross-references. I hope that there will be an announcement sometime in 2012. I do know that one is being planned by HarperCollins.

    If you are OK with Bible with that has the full "apocrypha/Deuterocanonicals", but is a bit pricey, I will always and everyday recommend the Cambridge NRSV Reference Bible:

    If the NRSV is your favorite, then this is the best version out there. It has cross-references, the best selection of maps (IMHO), and a handy glossary.

  5. Francesco,

    Use of the Revised Grail Psalms I think is still a few years off. I am not aware of any parishes using them.

  6. Tim,

    Thanks for the recommendation on the NRSV. "Always and everday recommend" is quite the endorsement! If I recall correctly in reading your past posts on the NRSV, this is/was your "go to" Bible. I have been reading my daughter's NRSV Youth Bible, and admit to being surprised at how much "in love" I'm feeling with the scriptures with this translation. The RSV didn't do that for me, nor did the NAB. I really tried to love the NABRE, but the use of "oracle of the Lord" in the OT books I love are too distracting. I like the NJB very much, but I don't like the use of "Yahweh" in the Psalms, which I reference often. The NRSV, despite some of its issues, really seems to hit the sweet spot for me. I will see if I can get my hands on a copy before making the investment, but it seems to be the direction I'm heading. A Christmas gift to myself!

    Thanks again (for the recommendation and the great blog),
    Anon (Inigo Montoya)

  7. Tim,

    Ignoring particular editions, reference v. no reference, etc., do you prefer the NRSV or the Ignatius RSV-2CE? Any particular reason for your preference? Different preference for different purposes?


  8. Anon,

    You can look at a recent series of posts I did on my Top 5 translations, but, in short, I would likely side with the RSV-2CE. I do prefer a more formal equivalence translation in the end, and the RSV-2CE (or original) fits that need. I should mention that that doesn't mean I think it is far superior to the NRSV or even the NABRE. I think the NRSV actually reads better, has far more resources keyed to it, and is available in far more formats. In any case, personally, I am quite comfortable using and recommending all three (RSV-2CE, NRSV, or NABRE).
