Wednesday, June 15, 2011

School is Out!

Well, year two of teaching high school theology has come to an end. A lot of good things occured this past year, but of course there is still a lot to be done. We implimented a new curriculum this year, the Didache Series by Midwest Theological Forum. All in all, a great series of textbooks for both students and teachers. I highly recommend it!

So, now it is time to breathe easy for a few months. Blogging may be light over the next couple of days, as I transition to being at home with my daughter. Should be a great summer.

Thanks to all of you who stop by this blog. This little site has become a wonderful part of my life.

Praise be to Jesus Christ!


  1. Have a great summer! And thanks to you for keeping this Blog!

  2. Thanks for all your time and effort with your blog. Enjoy it so much and learn alot. Hope you hae a great summer with your little one.
    Sharon in Waxahachie!
