Monday, May 16, 2011

A Reader's Question

I received an email regarding Italian Bibles, and thought I would throw it out to all of you to see if you can answer:

Next fall I’m going to Rome to study theology and I’m wondering if you know which Bible translation most commonly is used at Italian speaking seminaries, and also if you know of a good study version of that same translation. Secondly, if that translation should turn out to be a little “modern” I’m also interested to find an Italian Bible more suited for devotional reading. Here I’m looking for a fairly literal translation without gender inclusive language and – very important – no Yahweh or anything of that sort. (When it comes to English bibles, I’m not very fond of NRSV or NAB, my choice would rather be RSV-2CE or RSV-CE; but as far as inclusive language is concern I think that NJB does ok.)

Any suggestions?


  1. CEI 2008 is official, but it's best to wait until you get there and find out what the general consensus actually is. If there is one. In cases like this, what one imagines to be shrewd foresight often turns out to be vain solicitude.

  2. The version put forward by the Italian Episcopal Conference is the CEI version (infatti `CEI' is the acronym both for the translation and the conference itself). The first CEI was published in the 1970s and apparently was hastily put together. They've recently published a revision, which bears the same name.

    You can find the latest CEI version online if you want to check it out.

    As for study bibles, I'm only familiar with the Bibbia di Gerusalemme, which has the notes from the French Bible de Jérusalem but which uses the CEI verison. Old editions will use the old CEI, and new editions will use the new CEI. I'm not sure which edition of the Bible de Jérusalem the notes come from.

    I think I've seen the CEI use "fratelli" in Paul's letters where I'm told the Greek uses "adelphoi". Italian grammar demands that every noun be masculine or feminine, and plural masculine nouns pretty much also cover mixed groups, so I'm not sure how big a deal inclusive language will be for Italian translation of the Bible.

    However, the smartest thing to do is to wait 'til you get there or ask the seminary now what they recommend.

  3. Vittorio Messori is a bit critical of the CEI translation (at least in regard to Jn 20:29), using for that passage the "Nuovissima Versione dei Testi Originale":

    Nuovissima Versione


