Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Review: CSSI Bible RSV-CE

When the Catholic Scripture Study International Study Bible debuted late last year, all 800 copies sold out within a few weeks. Since then, I had been hoping to get a copy at some point in order to review it, however, I was unable to until this week. So, thanks to the fine people at Saint Benedict Press for sending along a review copy. For those interested, this edition is now available for purchase. I do not know how many were printed, so if you find yourself really liking it, you may want to order one soon.

The production of the CSSI Bible is a joint venture between Saint Benedict Press and Catholic Scripture Study International. It includes: “This high-quality RSV-CE Bible seamlessly integrates Sacred Scripture with extensive study materials and reference guides. Includes 76 full color pages, Holy Land maps marked with significant events and places, and extensive biblical apologetics and topical indexes, all beautifully bound in our Classic Black Bonded Leather with multiple ribbon markers, gold edges and beautiful foil stamped cover.” To see some sample pages, you can go here.

In many ways, this is a great apologetics study Bible. After spending some time with it, I would rate it higher than its closest rival, the New Catholic Answer Bible. This is due not only to the CSSI Bible’s use of the RSV-CE, but also the study material is more substantial and organized. If, however, you are looking for a study Bible comparable to the Catholic Study Bible or the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, then this is not what you are looking for. I hope to explain what I mean below.

There are many positive features of the CSSI Bible. As a matter of fact, some features which I thought I wouldn’t like, surprisingly I found to be quite good. For example, when I read that this Bible was large print, I was initially unsure how I would like it. Yet, after spending a few days reading from it, I have found it to be very readable and inviting. This all comes down to personal preference to be sure, but I was pleasantly surprised. Anyone who has previously purchased a Saint Benedict Press large print Bible will have a good idea of what each pages looks like.

Another feature which I thought would be a distraction was the use of Bible inserts, instead of integrating the study material directly into the text. While I still feel that having the additional study material placed in the text is the best option, Saint Benedict Press has done a really nice job making sure that the inserts are positioned well without being an annoyance to page turning or laying the Bible out flat. What I mean by that is I have an old edition of the St. Joseph NAB, which while having some lovely inserts that include maps, photos and devotionals, always seemed to be more obtrusive than helpful, particularly when flipping through the Bible. From just looking at the CSSI Bible when it is closed, you wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell that there are 76 full color pages included throughout the text. The glossy paper that these inserts are printed on is very thin.

The real jewel of this study Bible is the apologetics content found in the 76 full color pages. Most notably, the eight pages of “Catholic Apologetics Bible Verses” I have found to be quite helpful. This section not only covers issues ranging from “Anointing of the Sick” to “Works” but does so with both biblical citations as well as direct quotations from the Fathers of the Church. A very nice touch! In addition, the editors placed “*” by verses that are used to challenge Catholic teachings. This section, combined with the “Topical Index” in the appendix, makes looking up particular passages related to apologetics and doctrine a breeze. (By the way, I am teaching a Catholic Apologetics course at the high school next Spring for our Seniors, so I am very excited that this Bible has these features.)

I should also mention that the remaining inserts are scattered throughout the Bible and include a couple of Bible maps, timelines, CUF Faith Facts, and some inspirational images of Biblical characters and events. I have found the Faith Facts to be the most helpful of the bunch. You can preview some of them at the CUF site here. One Faith Fact that I would like to point out is entitled “Making Sense Out of Scripture: The Four Best Kept Secrets in Biblical Studies Today”, which does a fantastic job explaining the Four Senses of Scripture as taught in Dei Verbum and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This should be a tool that is present in every Catholic Bible.

Two more positive features that are most welcome are the inclusion of three Bible ribbons and the Sunday/Weekday Mass readings. Both are a definite must for any Catholic study Bible.

With all the praise that I have just given, there are a few things that I feel are missing from the CSSI Bible. Most prominently, any future edition really needs to have cross-references or at the very least a list of Old Testament references in the New Testament in the appendix. (The HarperCollins Study Bible does this.) Any Bible that is named a “study Bible” should have them. I am sure that this is something that Saint Benedict Press is looking into for future editions. (Also, a concordance would be helpful, but as I have mentioned in previous reviews, it is not a deal breaker for me.)

Secondly, while I found the bonded leather cover to be fairly flexible, perhaps future editions could come in their genuine leather or ultrasoft covers. This is particularly the case when the price tag for this Bible is basically $70.00!

My last negative critique would be that a few more maps would be helpful. I think including maps which show the route of the exodus, the Davidic kingdom, the layout of Jerusalem, and the journeys of Paul would be important additions and would compliment the maps already included.

In conclusion, this is a top-notch apologetics study Bible, even with the missing cross-references. If you are looking for an apologetics Bible, particularly utilizing the RSV-CE, look no further. In many ways, this could be a wonderful compliment to the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible RSV-2CE.

***Again, thanks to Saint Benedict Press for the review copy***


  1. I wish I had remembered this Bible for my RCIA lecture on "Catholic Interpretation of the Bible" which I gave last week for those folks not entering this Easter. I recommended all sorts of books, but it would have been nice to recommend something like this to them.

  2. I really like this Bible in addition to all that is mentioned in the review, it would also be nice to have footnotes on the same page as Ignatius 2nd Edition Bible instead of being at end of the Old and New Testament. I also like the Mass readings reference directory.

  3. Ken,

    I forgot to mention that the Mass readings are located after the book of Revelation, both Sundays and weekdays!

  4. Actually, the Amazon price for this volume is only $50 with free shipping, not $70.

    Still, I have to wonder if this is such a deal even at that price. I haven't seen this volume, but many of the features mentioned (such as CUF Faith Facts or "some inspirational images of Biblical characters and events") sound more like bells and whistles rather than basic helps for Bible study. Features such as book introductions and notes would be much more helpful.

    There are certainly many options that are much cheaper (and seemingly much more useful for Bible study) than the CSSI Study Bible: the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament, basic editions of the NAB/NABRE, the Oxford Catholic Study Bible, academic ecumenical study Bibles such as the New Oxford Annotated Bible (in either the RSV or NRSV editions), etc.

    I also have to wonder about the audience for this edition. The RSV-CE demands a reader who has college-level reading ability (particularly in poetic passages or the Pauline epistles) but it seems that many of the helps in the CSSI Study Bible are aimed at more basic readers or people who do not have experience reading the Bible. If one wants to use the RSV, I think I would rather recommend an annotated edition such as the May/Metzger NOAB RSV or the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible New Testament. In fact, one could buy both of these volumes (with free shipping from Amazon) and still pay less than one would for the seemingly lesser CSSI Study Bible.

  5. Theophrastus,

    I tend to agree with you. That is why I see this more as an apologetics study Bible rather than the traditional study Bible.

  6. This is actually a really nice edition of the RSV-CE. I got mine yesterday from Amazon (along with the NABRE Flexcover, finally.)

    This is basically the same as the nice edition of St. Benedict's RSV-CE with a few awesome bells and whistles. Large print, pretty pictures, and apologetic essays on the main arguments against the Catholic Faith, apologetic index of Scriptures (with objector verses listed, along with proof verses), make this one of the most attractive editions of RSV-CE (first edition) available. I did get a RSV-CE Oxford slimline endurahyde cover with cut-out thumbtabs from Amazon for 18 bucks (!) but I have found several typos and I have only read a few small portions in it.

    Now, will someone please publish a down-loadable Adobe booklet that is an extensive list of Bible cross-references so I can put it in my Bible cover? I bet a lot of people would pay 5 bucks or more for something like that!

    Sorry to change the subject but has anyone else noticed that the Book of Ecclesiasticus name has changed again in the NABRE from Sirach to Ben-Sira?

  7. Jonny,
    My NABRE introduction to 'The Wisdom of Ben Sira' (Sirach) says that this was the earliest title of the Book.

  8. SBP has billed this not as a proper study Bible but a Bible to go along with the Catholic Scripture Study program. It is kind of assumed they will be used in tandem.

  9. Matt, does the Catholic Scripture Study program cover the entire canon? I was under the impression that only a few of books were covered.

    More to the point, why is this version recommended by CSSI? Why not just a generic (cheaper) RSV-CE?

  10. Fireside Catholic Publishing is now offering their 'The New Catholic Answer Bible Librosario' (in large print) in the NABRE translation. It is not offered at Amazon yet, so I bit the financial bullet at ordered it from Fireside for full price (63.97 plus 9.60 shipping). This will be more useful to me for my RCIA class than the RSV-CE.

  11. Thanks for this review of the CSSI bible. I have been tempted to buy it for some time now. What hindered me from ordering it from amazon was its availability. Amazon always mentions "available in 2 to 3 weeks..."

    But now that my earlier order for the (leather bound) New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha Expanded Edition RSV-CE has arrived, I won't be ordering the CSSI Bible any time soon.


  12. Paper is as thin as every other Bible,,, I would VERY much like an Audio mp3 or CD version of this Bible,,, GOD Bless
