Tuesday, March 15, 2011


First off, thank you to all who have taken the time over the past two plus years to read and comment on this blog. It has been a joy being able to discuss all things Catholic Bibles. I hope this little, insignificant blog has been helpful in some way.

Unfortunately, as of late, there have been a number of comments made by people who at best just want to cause problems, or at worst are bigoted against various groups, as well as the Church. So, I have decided to begin moderating all comments. I apologize if this proves to be an incovenience to some. I will do my very best at posting any comments made in a timely manner.


  1. Timothy,

    Good luck but to tell you the truth, you might be better off without the comments.

  2. Michael,

    Maybe. However, discussion on various Catholic Bible issues is one of the main reasons I keep this blog going. So, if at some point I have to shut down the comment section, that will likely signal the end of this blog. But I don't see that happening.

  3. In my humble opinion, moderating the comments is a good plan. I enjoy this blog, and it has been disheartening to see the vitriolic comments made recently that take away from the regularly charitable and insightful discussion.

    We all know the rule: don't feed the trolls. They can find some other dark recess of the internet to infest.

  4. Timothy,

    Thank you for your site, and thank you also to all the contributors who have shared their knowledge and scholarly experience. I have learned much from you all, and I fervently hope that this blog will be able to continue on.

  5. Timothy,

    Your blog has been a great help to me over the last two years, so thank you for all the effort you put into it.

    On the moderating problem, is their any filtering software available?

    John Blake.

  6. Moderating the comments is a good decision. The Irish Studies blog I used to operate was nearly destroyed by a couple of very articulate crazy people who derailed any serious discussion until I blocked them.

  7. Timothy,

    You can block abusive comments but the trolls will not give up easily as you may well know.

  8. Michael,

    Yeah, I am aware. I have already been forced to delete some nonsense.

  9. I'm not sure I can figure out just who are the "articulate crazy people who derail any serious discussion." I for one do not appreciate the censorship I have seen on this blog. In fact, some of the questions that have been raised by these recent posters were never sufficiently answered.

    "Judge not, lest ye be judged, for in what judgement ye judge ye shall be judged."

  10. Don,

    I am all for discussion on particular translation issues, but I will not post comments that are anti-semitic, name-calling towards the Pope or bishops, or ad hominem attacks on other commentors. If that is being unreasonable, then so be it.

  11. Hello Timothy,

    Frankly, I think moderating the comments is the only way to go. I often find the combox to be a great source of information, but there are always going to be those who will abuse the format. It's your blog and you have the right to run it however you like.


  12. Tim. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and how much I have learned from you and many who make comments. I stumbled across your blog a couple of years ago just after I retired and was verrrrrrry bored. It encouraged me to focus my time and energy in an area I had not considered before and it has been very worthwhile. Please don't give up your great idea.

    Sharon in Waxahachie

  13. Dear Tim,

    This is such a great blog and I've found your posts to be interesting and informative. Some of the trolls have been mean spirited--which has saddened me. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks, Moses
