Thursday, February 10, 2011

100,000 Visits

Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who have visited this blog over the past two years. As of yesterday, it has received over 100,000 visits from readers throughout the world. I am honored and appreciative that all of you have taken the time to stop by. Thank you, as well, to all who have commented on this blog and have contributed guest reviews or posts. You have certainly enhanced the quality of this blog by your wisdom. As I mentioned in an post a year or so ago, I started this blog back in 2009 because I couldn't find anything else on the Internet that was specifically focused on Catholic Bible releases, editions, and study tools. I spent a lot of time reading some other wonderful, though primarily Protestant, Bible blogs. In many ways, they were a major reason why Catholic Bibles got started. I hope, over the past two years, this blog has helped alleviate that need. I am looking forward to the next 100,000 and more! May God the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth, bless all of you!


  1. Tim.
    Thanks for all your hard work with this blog. I have enjoyed it so much and learn continously from all the postings.

    Sharon in Waxahachie!

  2. Also would like to send a HUGE thanks your way for doing this blog, keeping it current and giving us so much information.

  3. I thank you too, Tim. I'm from Canada and go on your site often. Thanks so much for all the work you put into your site....I enjoy it a lot.

  4. Tim,

    An auspicious milestone! I've found your blog incredibly edifying and have enjoyed reading your thoughts and reviews.


  5. Tim,

    My wife is upset with you. Thanks to you I have discovered so many Bibles I NEED to own ;-)



  6. BC,

    She needs to get in line behind my wife! :)

