Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jesus of Nazareth II due Lent 2011?

According to CNS Blog, Pope Benedict's book is being carefully translated and will probably not be published until 2011. For more info, check out the news at CNS. It was also suggested that volume II would cover only the passion and resurrection, with a possible third volume on the infancy narratives.


  1. I heard that the Holy Father will be working on a new encyclical this summer based on the theme of Faith. I'm very excited about his time spent on the fundamental virtues.

  2. Hi Tim,

    This is abit off topic as its about the Ignatious Study Bible NT.

    I going to buy it, but im not sure wheather to get the Hardback of Leather edtion?

    I notice you have the Hardback, is there a reason for getting it over the leather?

    I just want something which is going to last me the longest.

    Any help/advice is really apprecaited!

    Thanks & God Bless,
    Manchester, England

  3. Get the leather, the two ribbon markers are worth it alone!

  4. Tony,

    I think it depends on how you will use it. For me, it will be used as a reference book, which I won't be lugging around with me. However, if you plan to carry it with you often, perhaps the leather edition would be more fashionable! ;)
