Sunday, August 30, 2009

More with Bob Rice

Bob Rice received his MA theology and christian ministry with a specialization in catechetics from Franciscan University in 1997. Before coming to teach at Franciscan, he was a youth minister for seven years at St. Ambrose Catholic Church in Latham, NY. While there he lead a LIFE TEEN program (which was one of the nation's hub parishes), confirmation preparation, teen catechumenal preparation, and other ministries within the parish. Bob is a highly sought-after, internationally recognized speaker for youth and youth ministers, sharing the Good News to tens of thousands of people every year. He is also an accomplished musician who leads worship at the Steubenville Summer Conferences and has released many CDs (you can find out more at

I have heard Bob speak and perform on a few occasion both in Steubenville and here in Michigan. He is a very passionate and funny guy, who also has a deep love for the Lord. Bob also wrote a short, devotional commentary on the Gospel of Mark called “The Beginner’s Gospel”, Monster Ants Press, 2004.

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