Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Imitation Leather/ Nu-Tone Bible Covers

One of the main questions I have these days is in regards to the durability of the imitation leather/ nu-tone leatherette Bible covers that seem to be gaining in popularity. Over the past year or so, I have purchased a few of these types of Bibles, but I have yet to really use one of them in everyday use. However, with my new ministry job, I will be using the Catholic Youth Bible from St. Mary's Press, which comes with an imitation leather/nu-tone cover. So, how many of you regularly use a Bible which has an imitation leather/nu-tone cover? Has it held up? Do you like it?


  1. I have a pocket sized Today's New International Version from Zondervan in "Italian Duo Tone" that i got around two years ago. It's held up quite well, considering that it's had some rough treatment in my man-bag!

  2. Paul W,

    That is very good to know. I have been able to pick up some older bonded leather Bibles at some local used book stores, but many of them are simply falling apart. Hopefully the imitation/nu-tone/italian duo tone will hold up.

  3. Well, if these duo tone types are going to outlast the cheap bonded leathers, I'll go for the duo tones. My bonded leather first edition NLT is shot and I don't think I've used it very much.
