Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Catholic Summer Reading Program

Join the Catholic Summer Reading Program
Since we have now entered the unofficial start to Summer, I thought I would pass along some information about a fine online reading program that is out there on the World Wide Web. The Catholic Summer Reading Program is an online program established by the folks who run Aquinas and More Catholic Goods. It's stated goal is to encourage people to "take some time to discover the rich treasure of Catholic literature." The site offers online discussion for both adult and child readers. Currently, you are able to vote on the book which will be read starting this summer. So far, Ralph Martin's Fulfillment of All Desire is #1 in the poll.

I had the privilege to be a student in Mr. Martin's class at SHMS a couple years back, where we spent some time going over his book. As the description says: "Ralph Martin, drawing upon the teaching of seven acknowledged "Spiritual Doctors" of the Church, presents an in-depth study of the journey to God. This book provides encouragement and direction for the pilgrim who desires to know, love, and serve our Lord. Whether the reader is beginning the spiritual journey or has been traveling the road for many years, he will find a treasure of wisdom in The Fulfillment of All Desire. It is destined to be a modern classic on the spiritual life."

It is a fine book, and makes for some wonderful summer reading. Whenever someone I know is contemplating reading through some of the great spiritual writers, like St. Theresa of Avila or St. John of the Cross, I always recommend that they read Fulfillment of All Desire first.

So, if you are interested in some good Catholic reading this summer, check out the Catholic Summer Reading Program.


  1. I'm just disappointed that Canterbury Tales, which was on the original list of 64, didn't make it into the 10 finalists.

  2. For my part, I wouldn't mind picking up the book "Junia" http://www.aquinasandmore.com/index.cfm/title/Junia/FuseAction/store.ItemDetails/SKU/781/

  3. It's a book for children, Tim. Did you look at the preview at Amazon?

  4. It says "young adult" and I am a "young adult" ! ;)

    Of course that is one of the problems with the labeling of "young adult", which for many in the secular world means those in their teens, while in Church work it means 18-35.

  5. Timothy,

    I wanted to know what you and your readers think about the New Jerome Biblical Commentary.

    You have reviewed other commentary sets but have never seemed to mention this single volume resource. I snagged a nearly new hardback 2ed. copy for $29 and am delighted with it.

    The first thing I did was look up a few bible verses that have long perplexed me and this tome pointedly addressed (and cleared up) my confusions. The book introduction to Job was contextually amazing. I have some problem deciphering all of the abbreviations used but it hasn't inhibited my overall appreciation of what this book seems to offer.

    Anyway the reviews of this resource indicate that people either love it or hate it. I am clearly headed for the former category. Hey, maybe I'm on topic after all since this will be part of my summer reading.

    I'm just curious what you and your superior readers have to say.

    Thank you!

  6. Terri,

    Thanks for the comment. While one can agree or disagree with any particular aspect or interpretation found in the New Jerome Biblical Commentary, I certainly believe that every Catholic who does serious study should at least own it. To dismiss it, as some do claiming it is too "liberal", is a mistake. To say the least, it is jam packed with information, maps, and articles. While it may be becoming a bit dated now, it is still an impressive volume and I have found it useful from time to time.
