Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Some Recommendations on Revelation?

Well, with my STB examination firmly behind me, it is now time to look forward! One of the things I have coming up is a 6 week introductory Bible study for young adults on the Book of Revelation that I will be leading starting in mid-May. So, as I begin preparing to lead this study, I thought I might request any recommended commentaries that may prove to be helpful. So, what can you recommend?

We are going to use the Loyola Press Six Weeks with the Bible study on Revelation: God's Gift of Hope. I am using this study since it seems to be a good introduction to the main parts of Revelation. It doesn't go too overboard with technical language and interpretation, but it does provide a reasonable amount of depth for the beginner to the more experienced.

Below is a list of other commentaries that I own and plan to consult:

Breaking the Code - Metzger
IBS: Revelation - Pender
Coming Soon - Barber
Collegeville Commentary: Revelation - Cory

I should also mention that I do own various one-volume commentaries on the Bible, including the Navarre and New Jerome Biblical Commentary.


  1. I think folks get into trouble with Revelation because they use it as a "perspicuous" doctrinal foundation and then seek to understand other Scripture in the light of that. This is one way we got pre-millennial eschatology. The antidote is to put the Gospels down as the foundation and then "brick it up" with books like Revelation... and of course pay attention to the Tradition and to the Magisterium to weed out impossible theories.

    ``And though St. John the Evangelist saw many strange monsters in his vision, he saw no creature so wild as one of his own commentators.'' (G. K. Chesterton)

    If you come across anything for nrsvnotes.pbwiki.com in your inevitable translation comparisons, do share! :)

  2. I have a book called 'Revelation and the End of All Things' written by Craig R. Koester. It also references the popular culture mis-beliefs about the book of Revelation. It talks about the 'Left Behind' series of books and how the teachings of the rapture developed in the 1800's. I haven't read the book yet, but I attended a lecture the author gave (based upon the book) at the Catholic Religious Education Congress, two years ago.

  3. Two names for you: Adela Yarbro Collins and Elizabeth Schüssler Fiorenza. Best scholarly commentary ever? G. K. Beale's volume for the NIGTC series.

  4. Rolf,

    Thanks for the recommendation. I ordered one via Amazon Marketplace for a pretty reasonable price.

  5. Esteban,

    That Beale commentary looks very thorough! I was able to sneak a peek at the table of contents and all I can say is wow! The only thing holding me back is the price tag, but perhaps that will change in a few weeks.

  6. Two quick suggestions for your Book of Revelation course:

    1 Make sure your students know that it is the Book of Revelation (singular), not Book of Revelations (plural)!

    2 Give them some sample chapters to read from other apocalypses, e.g. parts of 1 Enoch. Much confusion comes from unfamiliarity with apocalypses (not a common genre today).

  7. Tim, I'd lend you my copy of Beale, but I've found I can't sleep at night without it. ;-) And don't overlook Schüssler Fiorenza, in particular: I've seen even pre-trib fundamentalists recommend it! It's a very fine piece of work.

  8. I second the recommendation of Beale's commentary. It is indispensable and I refer to it constantly.
