Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Favorite Edition of the NAB (Currently Available)

Let me just clear up that I don't typically use the NAB, but I do appreciate that the folks at Fireside are doing something to help make the NAB more usable and attractive. I actually own a 1987 edition of the St. Joseph's New American Bible, which includes the original Old Testament (with original Psalms) and the revised New Testament. I use that most often when referring to the NAB.


  1. I will change the title: "My Favorite Edition of the NAB."

    To be honest...most of them are the same anyways in layout, font, etc...

  2. The NAB is a real enigma, at times you want to avoid it all together and just read your RSV, NRSV, Jerusalem Bible or whatever, but you are always stuck with it because it is the Bible of the United States Catholic Church. And if you teach Bible study, RCIA, Lector, or deal with any other Catholics, they all have the NAB. And it is what we hear in Mass every Suday. So I don't think that I will be able to walk away from it anytime soon. But if the USCCB ever adopted the RSV 2CE Lectionary (ha,ha), I have a copy, and I am prepared to serve!

  3. Rolf,

    Yes! That is the perfect word to describe the NAB: enigma! I actually like the NAB NT quite a bit. I think it does a good job overall, and in particular the "I am" sayings and the use of "Amen, Amen". However, I find the '91 Psalms to be quite dreadfull and the OT is uneven and outdated in many ways. I also don't like the fact that they re-arranged some parts of the Prophets in order for it to read better, it ultimately just makes it more confusing when comparing translations or when leading a Bible study. (The Psalms verse numbering is also a headache at times.)

    Unfortunately, I don't think you will ever see the RSV adopted here in the US. The USCCB has too much invested in the NAB. From what I have heard, they are currently revising the OT. Who know how that will turn out. I wish they would re-do the Psalms again while they are at it.

    I have come to the conclusion that being Catholic, it is pretty much impossible to use just one translation of the Bible.

  4. Tim
    I have also heard the the NAB OT will be done soon. I wonder if they are waiting to release it at the same time they announce the completion of the changes to the liturgy. I also heard that the verse order that you complained about in the Prophets will be put back in right order (I also hope so). I am sure they are also going to use inclusive language in OT as they have in the NT and the Psalms.

  5. Interesting bit of history about this man Stan Williams being a former evangelical. There seems to be more and more I hear about converting to Catholicism. I wouldn't mind hearing more about his conversion.
