Monday, February 26, 2018

US Release Date for RNJB

Thanks to reader Jim who contacted Penguin Random House to find out when they were planning to release the RNJB in the US.  This is their response:

The REVISED NEW JERUSALEM BIBLE author Henry Wansbrough ISBN 9780525573197 estimated release date is Spring of 2019.


  1. That's quite a delay. I wonder why.

    - Keith S.

  2. So they've already pushed it back, I wonder how many more times it will be delayed before it is published.

  3. How surprising it's pushed back a whole nother year... Who coulda seen that coming?! ;)

    Good thing I have no intention of using this Bible...

    When's the new translation of the LOTH coming out, that's what I wanna know!

    1. Probably some time around the release of the full Ignatius Catholic Study Bible and the NAB re-Revised NT. 😆

    2. They say 2020, but if they wait to incorporate the Revised NAB, then probably 2025 to 2027.

      Personally, I decided to purchase the edition out of kenya that provides the revised grail psalms, a three year cycle of Sunday antiphons for the gospel canticles and a slightly updated biblical text for the readings. Now I don't feel as impatient for the new translation.

  4. I did not like the NJB at all. The 1966JB is a modern literary masterpiece. I’m not sure I understand why the JB was ever revised in the first place (except maybe the “Yahweh” debate which was “fixed” in the CTS Bible but then they blew that edition by replacing the Psalms!! The Psalms in the JB1966 are masterful!) nor why they are revising it again?? IMO they are moving in the wrong direction with the JB and this RNJB will be a pebble tossed in a lake, make a tiny ripple, and then disappear.

  5. 100 % zero interest so they can take as l long as they like. :)

    A bunch of years back I "made a Poustinia" at the local Madonna House (MH) and all they had on hand was the 1966JB. I read Matthew straight through, slowly, during my stay. Smitten.

    This was before my automatic-reaction-to-everything response of search online, so I asked the MH folks where I might get a copy.

    The sent me to the local nunnery (now sadly closed, no longer in the city) where, under scrupulous observance even having been per-invited MH folks I was admitted, taken to a large empty and dowdy sitting room where I was to wait for Sister Joseph Marie Someoneorother. And wait I did. A nun here and a nun there scooted past doors of adjoining room, superstitiously glancing at the stranger.

    Eventually a very elderly, no nonsense but pleasant woman materialized. She told me Sister was not well and asked, was I the "man" looking for "a bible"? Yes.

    Foisting the massive reddish bound hardcover in my direction she apologized for its condition (perfect as far as I could tell, minus a dust jacket but still in its boxlike sleeve and showing some shelf wear), insisting it was clean and unmarked inside--she taken trouble to check various copies to find a "good one" (this perhaps explained my wait time).

    I accepted it, with probably too much enthusing-and-thanking and found she was already making a most tiny bow, a kind of body nod, and turning away in her oh-so-sturdy-black shoes.

    I asked could I offer a gift, in thanks?, by which I meant, "How much?". She said, You may pray for us each time you read your bible. And, she was gone.

    On my way out, the (only) young sister (I saw) who let me in and lead me to the waiting room, asked was I pleased? Yes, thanks I said. She smiled and said, so was Mother. Mother! Hah.

    1. Owen that is a beautiful story!!! Thank you!!

      Smitten is definitely the word I would use as well regarding the first time I read the 1966JB. I fell in love with it. And even though I consult other translations or try and move away from it towards more “modern” translations and all their available aids and helps, I always feel a lack in them which only drives me back to the 1966JB. And there I have pretty much remained.

      I spent SO much time trying to find the best preserved edition of the “plastic”-covered edition from 50 years ago, found a good one (not new but in good shape), added 3 ribbons, wrapped it in a simple leather cover, and made it “my Bible”.

      Since then I have collected “big red”, another “plastic” copy, the HUGE Salvador Dali edition, a gorgeous oxford compact readers edition, and the standard readers edition.

      I love this Bible and plan to travel with it for the rest of my life.

  6. Pardon the characteristic type-os ^^^ Hope it still made sense and conveyed what was, is, a wonderful tale.

  7. Fr. Neil Xavier O'DonoghueFebruary 27, 2018 at 7:20 AM

    My copy of the NT of the RNJB has already been delivered to Ireland. I ordered it on I've been paging through it over the past few days and I am impressed by the translation. It seems to be more literal than the JB or the NJB and the awkward phrases of the NJB have been corrected. It does use a moderate inclusive language, but it really is just standard normal public usage and does not sound bad. My only real concern is that the introductions and notes from the French original have been replaced by newly composed material by Dom Henry Wansbrough. Perhaps these are more user-friendly, but this in-depth study material was precisely the reason that many people were using the Jerusalem Bible in the first place. For years many put up with a poor translation to access this material and it is a pity to have a vastly improved translation of the text, now accompanied by an overly stripped-down version of the study aids. Hopefully, different editions of the full Bible will be published including a full study version that will provide the scholarship that the Jerusalem Bible is famous for.

  8. " I’m not sure I understand why the JB was ever revised in the first place"

    Is this actually a serious question? The 1966 original was a flawed production, the biggest flaw is that most of it is not even a translation from the original languages, but rather a translation directly from the French with at most a glance at the original languages. This is obviously a far from ideal situation.

    There is also the fact that the Old Testament text was produced before the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and thus does not incorporate the new data about the text of the Old Testament, leading to a significantly greater reliance on the Septuagint in the New Jerusalem than in the 1966 original, which is all for the better.

    Perhaps most importantly, the notes in the 1966 Jerusalem Bible were, by 1985, badly out of date and needed to be completely revised. Keep in mind, the notes are a direct translation from the French, and thus are even older than the Jerusalem Bible text itself, dating from 1956.

    1. Yes BC... believe it or not it is a serious question...

      based on what you’ve said, that means we should never use the KJV, NKJV, DR, Knox, RSV and so forth. These are beautiful literary works that still get the message across in English in a way that many people love. Some of us don’t care about the Dead Sea scrolls and all that other drivel. We care more about being inspired and transformed by the word in an English edition that speaks to us. And th 1966JB is just that Bible for me and millions of other Catholics.

      And for the record once and for all ... the 1966JB was NOT translated from the French. Only the notes were directly translated and the text itself consulted the French when needed. But does it really matter??? There are beautiful English Bibles that came from the vulgate, Septuagint, etc... again that doesn’t matter to many of us. What matters is a translation that we can connect with. Look at Tim .. he’s found a home in the Message because it speaks to him. The JB didn’t need a revision. They could leave it alone and just produce a whole new translation which is basically what they’re doing anyway two revisions removed now.

  9. I received my note from Book Depository exactly one week ago
    on Tuesday, February 20 saying that my 5 copies were on the way
    and should arrive in 5-8 business days. Well today is 5 business days
    and Friday will be 8 business days. So hopefully they will arrive
    Wednesday(6 bus. days), Thursday(7 bus. days), or Friday(8 bus. days)

  10. I am looking forward to it! I was hoping to wait until the full bible is realized before purchasing a copy, but I don't think I can wait until 2019. As long as no one at this blog reviews a copy, I may be able to hold out. ;)

    I've been reading the CTS Bible for my Lenten readings and I am enjoying it. A more literal translation will be a bonus to this translation.

  11. I caved today and ordered the text. Spring of 2019 is too far away.

  12. @ Devin. I've been waiting rather anxiously for the Revised Liturgy of the Hours, as well. I not too optimistic that it will be out any time soon. The Martyrology was never translated into English after all, at least not as far as I know.

  13. Devin,

    Maybe you could talk a bit about the process of ordering the Kenyan breviary?

  14. Timothy,

    Want a set? I have the "Kenyan breviary" I'd be happy to sell. ;-)

  15. Alternately, if one is will to pay International shipping one should contact the sisters at paulinesafricaDOTorg

    The link I used years ago is not active but for the record it was:

    And in case blogger strips that URL:

  16. Sure,
    You can purchase online at

    The link without the "e." in front of it didn't work on my computer and phone.
    I purchased the one volume edition that contained the complete Morning, Daytime and Evening Prayer which is 25 dollars. With shipping, it cost 38 dollars and change.

    When I initially ordered, the website said the order was pending for a few days and I don't recall every getting a confirmation email. But eventually it changed to "shipped" on their website after 5 or 6 days, and the money was taken from my account. From that point, the breviary arrived within two weeks.

    Also, Fr. Neil Xavier O'Donoghue who commented previously on this post wrote up a nice review with PrayTell Blog.

    The Psalms are the Revised Grail Psalter, the rest of the translation is what is found in the current American breviary except they did had some modest inclusive language in the intercessory prayers. Also Pauline Press provided a non ICEL translation of the new antiphons for the Sunday Gospel canticles. The concluding collects are from the prior translation as this edition was issued prior to 2011.

    Of course the liturgical calendar used is proper to Kenya and few other countries, so you have to check your country's liturgical calendar to make sure things line up.

    I will finish with stating it has been a joy to use the psalms from this translation. And the new antiphons are a bonus.

  17. Owen,

    I would love to purchase the 4 volume set if you have one to sell. Please email me at

  18. I echo the comments on the RNJB made by Fr. Neil Xavier O'Donoghue. The translation reads very well, there is a natural flow to it that makes is perfect for devotional reading. I miss the detailed study notes though, the study notes in the RNJB are not as copious or as forensic as in it's predecessors.

  19. michaelpborges I'll be in touch over the weekend. Cheers.

  20. If the revised Liturgy of the Hours also includes the revised NABRE NT in its lectionary selections, I would probably purchase the four-volume set and let the RNJB be my reading Bible.
