Thursday, April 27, 2017
A Gentle Reminder
This blog is a place for constructive discussion on issues related to Catholic Bibles. One does not have to agree with a post, nor does one have to like a particular translation, in order to be involved in the conversations here. For some reason, perhaps due to the current political climate, there has been a dramatic increase in comments that I have deleted because of their tone and content. Please make sure your comments are courteous and provide some sort of data to support them. Also, if you desire to post anonymously, please add some name at the end of the post so that people know who to engage with by name.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Guest Post: The Bible, the NAB(RE), and the Lectionary at Mass
Thank you to Robert for the first in a series of two guest posts.
You have heard it or read it before. “The New American Bible is the bible you hear
at every Catholic mass.” This was
probably an introduction to a lengthy screed about the barbaric English style,
tin ear, and modernist leanings of what for most U.S. Catholics is the bible.
My name is Bob Short.
I'm a 30 year old school teacher who reverted to the faith when he found
the Eucharist on the ground in a Stop n Shop parking lot.
I have a great love for literature, and so for most of my
time as a Catholic-by-choice, I bounced around between the translations
everyone suggests as literary: JB, NEB, REB, NRSV, even the Knox. Many times I return to these
translations—wooed by their cachet among the internet commentariat and their
page layouts and book designs which assume that the bible is to be read, not
simply chucked into a desk drawer with the other cheap stuff your parish
ordered in bulk to hand out to the CCD kids.
I'll go through a stage when I fall in love with one of these
dynamic equivalence translations—devouring the Book of Job for a couple hours,
reading Acts of the Apostles in two sittings, etc. But I always put them down for various reasons. I find the use of “Yahweh” distracting in the
Jerusalem Bible, and find that I'm capable of reading a a couple pages in a row
before realizing, “did any of that stick into my brain?” The Knox bible is wonderful, but it seems an
awful lot like a period piece to someone like me who cut his teeth on Hemingway
and not the masters of 19th century English literature. The New English Bible is wonderful, even with
its odd habit of falling flat on its face about once every 20 verses. The Revised English Bible, much like the New
Jerusalem Bible, seems to have resulted from a sober minded decision to make an
idiosyncratic translation slightly more acceptable to scholars and students who
are just going to ignore it in favor of the RSV and NRSV anyway.
So I keep coming back the the New American Bible. Living in a city in a heavily Catholic part
of the country, its quite easy for me to make daily mass part of my spiritual
practice. The NAB is the language that
I'm used to, language I find pleasurable.
“My face I did not shield from buffets and spitting.”
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
then I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me.”
“You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing, as
they rejoice before you as at the harvest, as people make merry when dividing
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will
give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and
learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for
yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my
burden light.”
And so on. The New
American Bible is the source of my “memory verses” and no amount of poorly
formatting or St Joseph Edition art inserts will take that away from me. Yes, of those four examples I just gave, at
least two of them are snatches of scripture which, frankly, are unspeakably
beautiful in any translation. My point,
however, is simply that the setting I find these scriptures in most often and
with the most comfort is in the NAB.
Unlike Carl Hernz's appreciation of the NABRE a few years back, I am
incapable of making any case based on knowledge of source languages. What I have is my own emotions. To many readers, I'm sure RSV 2nd
edition is that pleasing to the heart, soul, and mind.
To the ashamed NAB readers, hiding in the shadows, I say:
Come out! It's okay!
I won't defend the NAB footnotes, though I am of the opinion
that they aren't nearly as bad as their reputation suggests.
When people speak badly about the notes, they are usually
speaking about the ones from earlier editions.
Often, though, the criticism revolves around the text itself. But which New American Bible are they talking
about? For the uninitiated, there are
quite a few.
The 1970 edition?: Which featured a freshly translated New
Testament and an Old Testament cobbled together from the never-quite-completed
Confraternity Old Testament. It is on
the dynamic-equivalence side of things, and in many places reads like the
Jerusalem Bible. It's poetry is quite
good—if you don't believe me recite the Canticle from the book of Daniel that
pops up on Week One Sundays in the Liturgy of the Hours. It has become almost a meme to make fun of
its rendering of Isaiah 9:5, but to many of us, that is the most familiar
version of this passage, one with a music all its own. (The idea that many Catholics grew up hearing
the NAB at the liturgy and that it is what we think of when we hear the phrase
“bible English” probably causes a good deal of wailing and teeth gnashing, even
here!) Where might you know the 1970 NAB
from? Its Old Testament is still used in
the lectionary, as well as its psalter, though some parishes use the Revised
Grail Psalms, as is allowed. It's New
Testament was almost instantly found wanting when it came to oral proclamation
and was heavily edited for the lectionary.
It appears unedited in the readings from the Liturgy of the Hours, for
good (many canticles) and ill (oh dear, that halting and sloppy rendition of
the Epistle to the Hebrews we read every Lent and Holy Week).
Or were they talking about the 1986 edition with the revised
New Testament?: The Old Testament is unchanged, but the New Testament features
the revisions made to make the NAB acceptable for oral proclamation at the
mass. This New Testament is quite
good—clear and vivid at an appropriately elevated tone. Things have gone in a formal equivalence
direction, solving instances where the 1970 New Testament had slid into
banality. It's rendition of the Gospel
According to John is a tour de force, revealing Christ's divinity in all its
challenge and ruggedness. If the worst
thing you have to say about a bible are its footnotes and whether they chose
“hades”, “hell,” or “netherworld,” you've got yourselves a pretty good bible. It also has included some very light inclusive
language. When people speak about what a
responsible and conservative use of inclusive language, the Revised English
Bible and the New Jerusalem Bible are most often proposed, but I put it to you
that the '86 New Testament (and later NABRE Old Testament) are particularly
good examples of expressing the non gender specific nature of the original
languages without rendering the text bland or butchering English.
Perhaps the 1991 edition with the revised psalter was the one
they meant?: With a dignified New
Testament which very nearly matched what was heard at mass, the next step was
obviously to update the Old Testament in order to make the NAB a consistent
reading experience, fine for study, prayer, and following the liturgy. Well, instead they just got together and
ruined the psalter. Trust me, this not a
well liked translation. Even people who
liked the 1995 ICEL Psalter don't like this thing. It removed the familiar and replaced it with
the aimless. What was left was a bible
featuring an dynamic equivalent Old Testament with no gender inclusive
language, a psalter that is a lesson on how not to do inclusive language which
featured widely varied style from psalm to psalm, and a formal equivalence New
Testament with very well done inclusive
language. Of the 47 years the New
American Bible has existed, this edition was in print for 20 of those years.
At long last, was it the 2011 NABRE?: This latest edition
features an improved, more literal Old Testament, including a wonderful new
psalter that was translated the the liturgy in mind. Finally, we have a consistent New American
Bible! Will we hear it at mass? Err, no.
Rather, it seems to be the first step of a master plan to have a single
translation which will be featured in the mass and the liturgy of the
hours. For the foreseeable future the
lectionary will still feature the 1970 Old Testament and the 1986 New
So, if you are interested in a bible which will match up with
the liturgy, you will need to find one printed between 1986 and 1990. Good luck.
And so I leave you with the following unsupported
The 1986 edition of the NAB is quite good.
The NABRE is even better, though it does not
match the mass as well. It seems
reminiscent to me to what an in-house Catholic NRSV would read like: rich in
insight to the literal Hebrew and Greek, yet flowing with some amount of beauty
as well.
I hope no copyright holding bishops read this,
but the format of many New American Bible editions are so resistant to actual
long periods of reading that I think I'm going to copy/paste the text of the
NAB gospels into a PDF and have some copy shop print them out in book form for
my own personal use. The longer I
reflect on it, what draws me toward deep dives in dynamic-equivalence translations
like the NEB aren't the translations themselves, it is their single-column
layouts, readable fonts, and lack of asterices, brackets, and assorted
gobbledegook interrupting the text.
I will be submitting for consideration to this blog
occasional comparisons of the lectionary text we receive at mass with the
different printed editions of the New American Bible.
We deserve, I think, a bible that matches the liturgy.
I even put it to you that this will be a good first step
toward many of us (first and foremost, me) abandoning debates about the
different translations of the bible in favor of actually reading the thing!
Monday, April 24, 2017
Catholic Journaling Bible: New Testament with Psalms & Proverbs (CPDV)
The team at Drawn to Faith is excited to introduce their first Catholic journaling bible. This new journaling bible is perfect for any Catholic who wants to build a stronger relationship with Christ through creative worship. This bible is printed with a single column and over three inches of margin space for journaling, drawing, hand lettering, and even watercolor! The paper in this bible is five times thicker than standard bible paper, and the large format allows for maximum journaling space.
Product Details:
- -All bible verses from the Catholic Bible
- -Each book contains a full page illustration perfect for coloring
- -Premium matte finish paperback cover design
- -Perfect for all coloring & watercolor mediums
- -High quality 60 pound paper stock
- -Large format 8.5" wide x 11.0" tall pages
I would love to see more of these type of bibles. I own The Message Canvas Bible which is fantastic!
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Listen to him!
"During this week of Easter it would do us good every day to read a passage from the Gospel which speaks of the Resurrection of Christ." -Pope Francis via @Pontifex 4/18/17
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Happy Easter!
After the Sabbath, as the first light of the new week dawned, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to keep vigil at the tomb. Suddenly the earth reeled and rocked under their feet as God’s angel came down from heaven, came right up to where they were standing. He rolled back the stone and then sat on it. Shafts of lightning blazed from him. His garments shimmered snow-white. The guards at the tomb were scared to death. They were so frightened, they couldn’t move. The angel spoke to the women: “There is nothing to fear here. I know you’re looking for Jesus, the One they nailed to the cross. He is not here. He was raised, just as he said. Come and look at the place where he was placed. “Now, get on your way quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He is risen from the dead. He is going on ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there.’ That’s the message.”
-Matthew 28:1-7 (MSGCE)
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Choosing the Right Bible for Your Church
Let's make sure the comments are appropriate and respectful. Thanks!
Monday, April 10, 2017
New Pocket NABRE NT & Psalms
Thanks to Lenny for letting me know that this edition will be coming out in May from Pauline Books. The listing on the Pauline website also includes a preview of the page-layout. It is sewn!
New Testament and Psalms Pauline Edition
New Testament and Psalms Pauline Edition
About this Book:
This lightweight, versatile, and easy-to-read volume combining the NABRE translation of the New Testament and the Psalms is also elegant and ideal as a gift. Starting with the gold-embossed icon of Jesus the Teacher on the cover, it offers extra durability with its quality sewn leatherette binding, while the ivory paper, colored ribbon markers, and gold edges make it a treasury of craftsmanship. The 10-point type and full-page text will make it easy to use as an aid for prayer and devotion.
Features & Benefits:
- New American Bible Revised Edition translation (NABRE) is approved for Catholics
- Quality sewn binding makes for greater durability
- Includes guide on how to use scriptures to pray
- Beautiful look and feel make it appealing for prayer and devotional reading
Binding: Leatherette
Trim size: 6 X 4 inches
Pages: 1312
Trim size: 6 X 4 inches
Pages: 1312
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Bible Rebind: Oxford Large Print NABRE
Thank you to Jason for this article detailing his rebound NABRE. If there was ever a translation that deserved a premium edition, it would be the NABRE.
After I entered the Church, I quickly realized things were much
different on this side of the Tiber. I looked for some time for a quality
Catholic Bible, ultimately settling on the (now out of print) Oxford/Ignatius RSV-CE Reader’s Edition.
I used that Bible for years, but as happened with many of them, the
binding began to pull apart at the pastoral epistles. Also, although that Bible
was pretty good, it had no content at all other than the Ignatius Bible notes,
a few prayers, Dei Verbum, and the Biblical text. It had no cross-references or
other study helps, and the print was quite tiny.
A couple of years ago, I discovered this blog, and what a
wonderful find it was! I actually went back to the very first post and, over
several weeks, read through every post until I caught up. In the process I
discovered that my frustration with the lack of quality Catholic editions of
the Bible was shared by many, but I also came across reviews of some Bibles I
did not know existed. And I learned of the possibility of taking a decent book
block and having it rebound to produce a premium Bible. This was not an option
I had really heard about before.

From this blog and from the Facebook groups many of us frequent,
I was of course familiar with Leonard’s. I considered sending this Bible to
them, but I also loved the fact that a number of young men were taking on Bible
rebinding as a trade and a ministry. Diego Caloca
and Jeremiah
Frost are two examples, and I really wanted to support them
in their efforts. I corresponded with both and ultimately settled on Jeremiah
(Diego was simply very busy and it was going to take longer; there were no
other concerns at all with him).

I loved almost everything about it. The goatskin is some of the
softest and most pleasantly aromatic leather I’ve ever encountered (with the
caveat that my experience with leathers is somewhat limited). It is simply a
pleasure to hold and to read from. And having a Bible that has some personally
chosen features, such as the four ribbons, really enhances my feeling of
attachment to it and my desire to read from it.
I did immediately have one concern. I’m not sure if this is
minor or major, since I have no other experience with having a Bible rebound.
As you can see, I hope, from the photos, the edges of the cover are a bit too
short. This causes the edge of the endpapers to get caught in the folds of the
leather. I’m not sure how serious this issue would become be over time, but it
has already caused some wear on the edges of the endpaper. Beyond that,
however, I was extremely pleased with Jeremiah’s work, and would recommend him
to anyone else wanting to support this new generation of rebinders.

At this point, I am simply not sure what I’m going to do. Given
what has happened, I have my doubts about the quality of the book block, but I
may send it to Leonard’s to have it repaired. It certainly is one of my
favorite Bibles to read from. Any advice would be appreciated!
The quest for a quality, long-lasting Catholic Bible continues!
Monday, April 3, 2017
Which Translation of the Bible is the Best?
Reader Emilia passed this 2016 article from Catholic Answers by apologist Trent Horn. Although the article is fairly short, I'd be interested in hearing from you what you think about it. Consider it your homework assignment!
We have discussed issues like this on this site for almost ten years. I would like to think that we have dispelled any pseudo-knowledge regarding translations over these years. We have given most translations a good look over and have had very good discussion/debate about each of the major Catholic translations. So, what is your say?
This thread is now closed.
We have discussed issues like this on this site for almost ten years. I would like to think that we have dispelled any pseudo-knowledge regarding translations over these years. We have given most translations a good look over and have had very good discussion/debate about each of the major Catholic translations. So, what is your say?
This thread is now closed.
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