Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Update on Oxford Sale

From reader vladimir998

Well, I don't see the post about the OxUnivPress Leapday sale so I'm going to post this here. Their server was acting up and many people could not place orders. They decided to continue the sale until March 7th. The sale does not cover items that are under the "Higher Education" listing. I have no idea what general listing Bibles like the Catholic Study Bible fall under.



  1. I just entered the code on the Oxford website (1 March 2016), and an error message appeared:
    "Sorry, the promotion code you have entered has expired."
    It appears that the sale was solely on 29 February 2016.


  2. James,

    Here is the message OUP sent me:

    Thank you for contacting Oxford University Press, USA. The leap year sale website has a server issue at this time. The sale has been extended until March 7th. If you would like to place your order via phone you can call our service center at 1-800-451-7556. Please note that titles identified as Higher Education titles will not be part of the sales pricing.
    Best regards,
    Brent Murphy

    Oxford University Press, USA
    Customer Service Department
    Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., ET
    Website: http://www.oup.com/us
    Oxford University Press is on PubEasy. Retailers and wholesalers can sign-up with PubEasy to search titles and place/track orders anytime.

    All I know is what they told me.


  3. The problem is that when it comes to the new edition of the Catholic Study Bible, I want to buy it at my local Catholic book store to support them.
