Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Message: Tobit 8:5-8

One of my favorite Biblical passages, within one of my favorite Biblical books is Tobit 8:5-8.  So, when I purchased the Kindle edition of The Message: Catholic/Ecumenical Edition this was the first passage I went to check out.  Here is is, followed by the NRSV.  And remember, the Deuterocanonicals are translated from the Nova Vulgata.   

The Message:
"Blessed are you, God of our fathers!  Blessed be your name forever and ever!  May the heavens and all your creatures bless you from age to age!  You made Adam and gave him Eve.  From both came the human race.  you said, did you not, that it was not good for man to be alone?  That he needed a helper, a look-alike?  And so you provided.  Now I take this woman, my cousin, as my lawful wedded wife, not to quiet my lust but to awaken my love.  Keep our best interests at heart.  We want to have children and grow old together."  "Amen," he said, and "Amen," she said.

“Blessed are you, O God of our ancestors, and blessed is your name in all generations forever. Let the heavens and the whole creation bless you forever. You made Adam, and for him you made his wife Eve as a helper and support. From the two of them the human race has sprung. You said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; let us make a helper for him like himself.’  I now am taking this kinswoman of mine, not because of lust, but with sincerity. Grant that she and I may find mercy and that we may grow old together.” And they both said, “Amen, Amen.”


  1. Timothy,
    Perfect excerpt to show where this translation brings passion to otherwise lifeless text. And the Message does this all throughout the Bible. Sometimes, it can even show too much passion but for the most part, this translation is where I head when I want to get inspired with how the Bible touches my world.

    I am quite familiar with this translation, too, as I used it before it came in a Cath/Ecu version.

    I am so happy to have it with me in electronic format! There is no question that this is my most READ Bible.

  2. Hi! I also got the kindle edition of The Message (Ecumenical edition). To get a feel of the deuterocanonicals, I read through Tobit.
    And to my surprise and delight, I enjoyed the book!
    It's probably the first time I really read and appreciated this part of the bible. I'm looking forward to the print edition hopefully by next month!

    This 'aint related but I just wanted to get this off my head: will Baronius publish the Knox bible in a pocket/compact edition? I
    love this translation but, at least for a traveling priest like me, the present edition seems to be a bit cumbersome.
    Just a thought!
    God bless!

    1. Fr. Anon,

      I am not aware of any plans from Baronius for a compact Knox, although I really hope they do! I think a lot depends on how well their Knox Bible sells, particularly since Baronius is a small company.

  3. Thanks Timothy! I hope the folks at Baronius could consider that. But also do hope more people could get to appreciate the Knox Bible so that they could publish a compact edition. (Or else, I'll end up searching for it in the old libraries of our religious communities here!)

    Thanks for your updates on new versions/editions of the bible! I always look forward to your blog posts, while expecting that my bookshelf would occasionally welcome new additions to the family because of your reviews! (Best example: i only found out about The Message Ecumenical edition from your blog)

    God bless you! Greetings from the Philippines!

  4. Tim,

    How is Esther handled in this edition of The Message? Do they insert the additions in between (like the NABRE) Peterson's paraphrase of the Hebrew or after chapter 10 (like the Douay and Vulgate)? Or is the entire Greek text paraphrased by the new guy?

    1. The entire Nova Vulgata Latin is paraphrased by the translator of the Deuterocanonicals Griffin. In the intro, he says it would have been to complicated to simply add his portions of Esther into Peterson's original version. He did, however, add his Deuterocanonical portions of Daniel into the original translation done by Peterson.

  5. Just a weird thought:
    Could William Griffin, the translator of the Deuterocanonicals for The Message Ecumenical edition, come up with a modern translation of the whole Nova Vulgata Bible?
