Monday, November 12, 2012

Armed Forces Prayer Book- Revised Catholic Edition

In honor of Veteran's Day, I wanted to showcase a new, revised Armed Forces Prayer Book from Aquinas Press.  You can view some sample pages here.

Prayer is an essential part of our everyday lives and helps keep us focused on our relationship with God. Jesus calls us to pray always and to abide in Him. This line of distinctly Catholic 96-page books from Aquinas Press offers timeless and contemporary prayers framed with sacred art to inspire and renew readers dedicated to living by the spirit of their faith.


Newly revised to include the New Mass, our Armed Forces Prayer Book features prayers and devotions to nourish and strengthen the faith of our military personnel at home or overseas.

Paperback -- 96 pages -- 4" W x 6" H 

St. Martin of Tours, pray for all our veterans!

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