Thursday, September 6, 2012

Death of Walter J. Harrelson (1919-2012)

Walter Harrelson, biblical scholar, translator, and teacher, passed away on September 4th.  Most people who frequent this blog would know him through his work on the NRSV.  He was also the general editor of the well-received The New Interpreters' Study Bible (NRSV).  For more info about the man, you can go here.

A Song of Ascents.
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord
   Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
   to the voice of my supplications! 

If you, O Lord, should mark iniquities,
   Lord, who could stand? 
But there is forgiveness with you,
   so that you may be revered. 

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,
   and in his word I hope; 
my soul waits for the Lord
   more than those who watch for the morning,
   more than those who watch for the morning. 

O Israel, hope in the Lord!
   For with the Lord there is steadfast love,
   and with him is great power to redeem. 
It is he who will redeem Israel
   from all its iniquities. 

                                                                     -Psalm 130 (NRSV)


  1. The NISB became my choice for studies that demanded an NOAB-like Bible but when the only options were Coogan-edited. I thank you for giving me an alternative.

    Lord, eternal rest grant unto him,
    Let perpetual light shine upon him.
