Monday, September 3, 2012

CBA Contest

I am happy to let you all know that I have been accepted as an associate member of the Catholic Biblical Association.  So, in honor of this news, I am going to offer a spur-of-the-moment contest.  The winner will receive a hardcover edition of the 1991 (1994) New Oxford Annotated Bible w/ Apocrypha (NRSV) edited by Metzger and Murphy.  This volume is in very good shape, with only a slight bit of highlighting found in 1 John.  (I found this at a used bookstore.)  One of the unique components of this edition of the NOAB is the very generous 1 inch margins on each page for personal notes.  Many have remarked that this is perhaps the best edition of the NOAB, along with the RSV edition.  (Unlike the RSV one, this contains a concordance.)

Here are the rules:

All you need to do to enter is simply to put your name in the comment section of this post.  You may enter only once.  No anonymous entries will be considered. The winner will be randomly drawn at the end of the contest, which will be Saturday, September 8th at 11:59PM. This contest is open to anyone in North America. (Sorry again to my loyal readers in the rest of the world.) Also, if you have a blog and would like to advertise this contest, it would be much appreciated. I will announce the winner on Sunday. 


  1. An NRSV New Oxford Annotated Bible edited by Metzger himself, instead of that rascal Coogan? I'm interested.

    CJA Mayo

  2. Daniel Norman McNamaraSeptember 4, 2012 at 6:38 AM

    Daniel Norman McNamara

  3. Joseph Volpe III

  4. Congratulations!

    and for the contest: Michael P.

  5. Congratulations! Keep up the good work.


  6. Very cool (your acceptance) and very nice (the contest prize)!

    - Hans Plate

  7. Congratulations! My name is Thomas Halleck.

  8. Roman Majer
    Even i'm from europe, in case i'll got it, i'll pay the post.

  9. I already have a couple of copies (great resource!), so no need to enter the contest, but I did want to wish you a hearty congratulations!

  10. Congratulations!

    Joe Beauregard

  11. Sharon M. - count me in! I really enjoy your blog.
