Thursday, April 19, 2012

7 Years Ago

Viva il Papa!


  1. He was SO enjoying dragging that out for every additional second he could.

  2. It was an amazing moment to watch on TV. For me at least, it will always remain one of those events that I will always remember where I was when it happened. It was my first experience of awaiting the results of a Conclave, since Blessed JPII was the Pope for 99% of my life up to that point.

  3. I wasn't Catholic at the time. It was a Tuesday and I had stayed home work to see the outcome live streamed. Where was work? A local Presbyterian church. It may be more accurate to say that I wasn't *technically* Catholic. ;-)

  4. I remember looking at the news right before going to teach my Calculus class, there was no update....and when I came back the announcement had already been made and I missed it....I don't remember why I thought there would be news....I think they said there was going to be a ballot every day at noon or something...I don't remember, I know that I was expecting a result and missed it by about 2 minutes

  5. I was pretty young at the time, but I'm pretty sure I watched it live on some news network. If I recall, no one on that network (nor the bookies who bet on such a holy event) thought that Joseph Ratzinger was going to win - thank God we got a Pope from the Roman Inquisition!

  6. I was leaving the Bronx Zoo with my 5 year old daughter when someone there happened to mention that a new pope had been selected. When I asked who, the person said, "Some Nazi." I broke out laughing and said, "Oh good, we have Ratzinger. Couldn't be happier." I don't think they were as excited as I was.

  7. Russ, that's the best story yet.

  8. haha. Owen: Just one of those moments in time where you'll always know where you were.

  9. I was living in France at the time of JPII's death and as soon as it happened I went to Rome to see him lying in state and then slept on the streets until the funeral. Was and amazing time and I was so stoked when we got Pope Benedict.
