Saturday, February 18, 2012

NT Wright on Reading Mark for Lent

He also has a devotional entitled Lent for Everyone, Mark, Year B: A Daily Devotional which was published in January by Westminster John Knox Press that may serve as a good companion during this Lent.


  1. I ordered the complete set of Lent for Everyone books from Amazon UK.

    What is interesting to me is that in the first year (Luke, Year C, 2010 [appeared in 2009]), Wright only saw fit to write 130 pages.

    In the second year (Matthew, Year A, 2011), Wright stretched out to 162 pages.

    And in the current year (Mark, Year B, 2012), Wright manages to cover 195 pages.

    So what does that mean? Does Wright think Mark is more interesting than Matthew and Luke? Does Wright have more time on his hands since resigning the Anglican Bishopric of Durham? Is Wright more excited about each subsequent year based on the success of the last? Or is age making Wright prolix?

    In any case the commentary text written in these books is fresh (although, of course, Wright hits many of the same themes as he did in his Matthew/Luke/Mark for Everyone books). Wright uses nearly his Kingdom New Testament translation -- in nearly identical forms -- in both sets of books).

    From the Luke preface: One of the most exciting things that has happened recently among churches from different traditions is a new willingness to read the Bible together. We have often been puzzled and saddened at other things that, so it seems, we can't do together, or at any rate not yet. But no church has said that we shouldn't read the Bible together. Catholics and Protestants, liberals and evangelicals, charismatics and social activists -- there is nothing to stop us reading the Bible together, and everything to suggest that it would be an exciting idea.

  2. Theophrastus,

    To your last quote from Wright, he did attend a few sessions of the Synod on the Word of God, from which Verbum Domini came, and he had some good things to say about the experience, if memory serves.
