Thursday, December 22, 2011

ICSB: Exodus

Thanks to an anonymous comment made recently, we can now see that the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Exodus will be released in January 2012. There appears to be a sale going on at Ignatius currently, which allows you to pre-order this volume for only $8.46. As usual, the description reads:

"Large format, featuring large text size and additional margin space for personal annotations! The larger format enhances both individual and group study.

Based on the Revised Standard Version - Second Catholic Edition, this volume leads readers through a penetrating study of the Book of Exodus using the biblical text itself and the Church's own guidelines for understanding the Bible. Ample notes accompany each page, providing fresh insights and commentary by renowned Bible scholars Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes explain what the biblical authors often assumed. They also provide rich historical, cultural, geographical and theological information pertinent to Exodus

The Ignatius Study Bible also includes Topical Essays, Word Studies and Charts. Each page includes an easy-to-use Cross-Reference Section. Study Questions are provided for Exodus. These can deepen your personal study of God's Holy Word. There is also an introductory essay covering questions of authorship, date, destination, structure and themes. An outline of Exodus is also included.

So, with 1-2 volumes of the ICSB OT being released each year, we can expect the complete ICSB by somewhere around 2034.


  1. Great line. Let's see...2034. I'll be 73 then. My daughter can read it to me in the nursing home.

  2. Russ,

    Yes, I will be somewhere around 54! ;)

  3. Hi,

    In those days I will be like maybe four or five years of my new life in Heaven.

    Yes, when I arrived at the gates of Heaven, San Peter saw me, and when I started to tell him my name, He checked on some list and told me, - come my friend, you are on the "Catholic Bibles blog list", you can enter directly to Heaven...;)

  4. That estimate is a bit pessimistic, isn't it? I figure they aren't going to need 6 months on Obidiah or Haggai.

    There are only 8 books of the OT with more chapters than Exodus (granted, one of them has more than 3 times as many!), so it stands to reason that they should be able to speed things up on average. When Ignatius Press came out with their NT series they grouped the shorter letters together.

  5. Francesco,

    I am kidding for the most part. Though this project has taken way too long. I would be surprised if a one-volume ICSB was completed by 2015. An update from Ignatius would be nice.

  6. Hmmmmm, Tim, something new to ponder: An update from Ignatius...

  7. I estimate completion at 2018-2020, granted that the Pentateuch and Psalms are generally the most heavily annotated OT books, followed by the four books of Kings as a distant third.

    I'm surprised the major prophets (even the Gospel of Isaiah) don't get more annotation than they do outside of the standard Messianic passages; the Twelve usually have more commentary. John Calvin's 4-volume set on Jeremiah and Lamentations is still the best I've seen, even if a bit overweening (as was the man himself).

    I can't wait to get a good, conservative ICSB-style commentary for the deuterocanonicals: the only that I've found is in the Navarre Bible, and is limited. There is absolute gold in the Wisdom of Solomon, especially, and some other deuterocanonicals (Sirach, Tobit, to a lesser extent Maccabees) that's begging to be annotated and commented on.

    All of the commentaries out there on the deuterocanonicals (or so-called "apocrypha") are Anchor Yale Bible/International Critical Commentary/New Jerome Commentary style, except even more critical (as the authors without exception believe the books to be apocryphal).

    The best I've seen are the Hermeneia, but they're ridiculously expensive and don't cover most of the deuterocanon (but they do cover some apocrypha, such as the Didache, 4 Esdras, and 1 Enoch). The Hermeneia-style works well for the true apocrypha and for becoming well-informed for apologetics material (and intelligent polemic).
