Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Your Thoughts

As we have now entered a new liturgical year, with a new Roman Missal, and soon will be entering a new calendar year, it is perhaps as good a time as any to consider how this blog is doing. I have been operating this blog for over three years now, and it has certainly been a blast. I truly mean that. The interaction with all of you has been both enlightening and incredibly enjoyable. I have also been blessed with a number of key contacts from various Church positions and publishers, who have provided me with information and materials that I have been able to share with you. Many thanks to them for answering my questions over the past few years.

So where does that leave the Catholic Bibles Blog heading into 2012? That is where you come in. What would you like to see more of in 2012? What would you like to see less of? For example, I was contacted by a reader who was interested in having a regular series utilizing Lectio Divina. Is that something that would be of interest? One thing that I did more of this past year was to include 'guest posts/reviews', thus it may be time to consider having one or two permanent contributors to this blog. Please feel free to be a honest and open with your thoughts.

And of course, a thousand sincere thanks to all of you have been involved in some way with this site, either through posting, comments, or just reading. May God bless you during this Advent season.


  1. Would you be open to a Bible humor writer? One funny post a month sort of deal?

  2. How about starting off with an own domain name?

  3. This year, you had excellent coverage of the NABRE; arguably the single best place on the Web to find out what was going on.

    Beyond NABRE, I especially appreciate your coverage of new products, your interviews (or linking to interviews) with those involved in the Catholic Bible business, and your insightful comparison of different translation styles.

  4. This has been a wonderful experience for me because of the comments, the links, the themes, and the possibility to participate in some way.

    I think that maybe there are another aspects related to the Bible, like the link on how to bind, that can expand our activities. For example, after reading the blog of binding, I repaired on of my bibles, not in the same way, but I was energized to try it.


  5. I started reading your blog earlier this year and found it very informative and helpful in many different ways. If you decide to keep going forward –and I hope you do—one suggestion I have is maybe you could introduce a new weekly feature similar to Mondays with Verbum Domini, and this one concentrating on a word or phrase from the Greek New Testament, with a literal translation into English, and proceed from there. Just a thought…
    Whatever you decide, I thank you.

  6. I like your blog and check on it regularly, but I wish when you start something, you would see it through. i.e. Jesus of Nazareth reflections, bible studies which continue etc.

  7. Right off the top of my head, I'm thinking you should either stick to Catholic Bibles or else open under your own domain name (as per Austine J. Crasta above) for a wider audience. Godspeed!
    -Michael Demers

  8. I really appreciated this blog over the past year. I learned much about the NABRE and I haven't really found another reliabel source of information. I've also decided to pick on translation and just that one for personal. I've been deciding for 2 years! I think that you could perhaps try a series of exegis on Scripture. You could open it up to guest exegetes too.

  9. Tags and Search functionalities would be more than welcomed.

