Saturday, November 5, 2011

A New NABRE on Kindle

Michael Pierce, who recently contacted me through this blog, wanted me to alert you to a new Kindle edition of the NABRE. While it is not the first version of the NABRE to be available for the Kindle, it does have a number of unique features according to the product description:

We are proud to release an electronic edition of the New American Bible: Revised Edition (NABRE), which features an excellent formatting true to the paper edition and multiple navigation aids, which allow opening any verse in the Bible in seconds (as explained in detail in the book itself). All material, including footnotes, is preserved and cross referenced within the text. This is the one electronic Bible that every believer must have because it is more convenient and faster to use than the paper edition.

Michael provided a little background information about the production of this edition:

We asked USCCB/CCD for a permission to release a Kindle version of NAB in early 2010. We promised them that our Kindle conversion would be superior because it would go beyond just great formatting of the Bible on the Kindle and hyperlinked TOC; our approach is to make a Kindle Bible the most navigable and convenient to use out of electronic Bibles. At that time, the USCCB indicated that NABRE was still not approved for publication. Once NABRE was released, we worked for months to make the perfect conversion to the Kindle and then CCD had to review and approve our work (it is a long process in itself because they did review the entire work and we had to sign some contracts with them).

NABRE has similar features and navigation as the following publications:

Kindle Catholic English-Latin Diglot Bible (D-R and Vulgate)
Kindle Catholic Bible (D-R)

Also, Michael is willing to field any questions from you about this new product. Please do so by submitting questions in the comment box.


  1. Hi Michael.

    (1) I am intrigued by the comment:

    CCD had to review and approve our work (it is a long process in itself because they did review the entire work and we had to sign some contracts with them).

    Could you let us know a little more about how CCD reviewed and approved your work? Do you know if CCD reviews and approves every edition before it is allowed "in print" (that sounds strange when describing a Kindle book, but there it is.)

    (2) I notice that the other Bibles that you compare your edition to are OSNOVA Bibles -- but that's a completely different operation, right?

  2. 1) I've noticed that Mary Sperry participates in this blog from time to time, she would probably be able to say more on this. I don't know what exactly they do to review the digital publication or if they do it in every single case but they did take time to review my beta version of the electronic publication and gave me a list of changes that I had to do before they approved the digital publication. From that list, it seems that they did a very thorough job.

    2) Although not an OSNOVA publication, this one uses all the navigation aids from those Kindle publications.

  3. 1) I've noticed that Mary Sperry participates in this blog from time to time, she would probably be able to say more on this. I don't know what exactly they do to review the digital publication or if they do it in every single case but they did take time to review my beta version of the electronic publication and gave me a list of changes that I had to do before they approved the digital publication. From that list, it seems that they did a very thorough job.

    2) Although not an OSNOVA publication, this one uses all the navigation aids from those Kindle publications.

  4. Thanks for your recommendation. I kept thinking I should have a separate Kindle for holy books, but the simplest thing for me to be able to read the Bible more is just put it on the one I already I have. Due to getting older, I have to use such a big Bible that it is rather awkward to hold, especially lying in bed before going to sleep. Nice to know it has so many good features.
