Tuesday, June 21, 2011

NABRE on Kindle

The NABRE is now available on Kindle. You can read about the details here.

A tip of the hat to reader Rolf for alerting me to this.


  1. The NABRE is also now available on the OliveTree Bible Reader app (Android, iPhone, ipad), but for more than twice the Kindle price.

  2. Thx for the notification. I've been waiting for this. :)

  3. Just ordered mine today. Anybody who has it, what do you think?

  4. Just got mine yesterday along with the CEB with apocrypha so will take awhile to decide. So far looks pretty easy to navigate. Also got my Little Rock Study Bible late last week and am really pleased with the layout.
    Sharon in Waxhachie

  5. I like mine, it navigates from verse to commentary notes, to cross references and back very smoothly.
