Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Letter & Spirit #6 Now Shipping

Letter and Spirit, Volume 6: For the Sake of Our Salvation: The Truth and Humility of God's Word is now available for order. This publication, produced by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, looks very promising, particularly the essays devoted to inerrancy and Vatican II. This volume contains the following essays and reviews:

For the Sake of Our Salvation: The Truth and Humility of God's Word
Scott W. Hahn

The Mystery of God's Word: Inspiration, Inerrancy, and the Interpretation of Scripture
Brant Pitre

Magisterial Teaching on the Inspiration and Truth of Scripture: Precedents and Prospects
Pablo T. Gadenz

Analogia Verbi: The Truth of Scripture in Rudolph Bultmann and Raymond Brown
Michael Maria Waldstein

Glory(ing) in the Humility of the Word: The Kenotic Form of Revelation in J. G. Hamann
John R. Betz

The Inspiration and Inerrancy of Scripture
Germain Grisez

The Interpenetration of Inspiration and Inerrancy as a Hermeneutic for Catholic Exegesis
Joseph C. Atkinson

Restricted Inerrancy and the “Hermeneutic Of Discontinuity”
Brian W. Harrison, O. S.

Communal or Social Inspiration: A Catholic Critique
Robert Fastiggi

The Modernist Crisis and the Shifting of Catholic Views on Biblical Inspiration Jeffrey L. Morrow

The Inspiration of Scripture: A Status Quaestionis
Matthew Levering

Divinely Inspired for Teaching Truth and Refuting Error: A Catena of Catholic Sources Editors

The Gospels as History
Thomas McGovern Verbum

Dei Incarnatum and Verbum Dei Scriptum in the Fathers
J. H. Crehan, S. J.

“As I Break Bread for You”: St. Augustine’s Method in Preaching
Thomas F. Stransky, C. S. P.

The Limits of Biblical Inerrancy
Peter Paul Zerafa, O. P.

Vatican II and the Truth of Sacred Scripture
Augustin Cardinal Bea, S. J.

Sacred Scripture and the Errors of the “New” Exegesis
Paul Cardinal Taguchi

Holy Scripture and the Science of Faith
Romano Guardini


  1. It is interesting that so many articles are historical essays from deceased authors, such as the essays from Fr. Guardini (d. 1968), Card. Taguchi (d. 1978), Card. Bea (d. 1968), and Fr. Zerafa (d. 2011). Is this typical of this series? For some reason, I had thought it mostly published original contemporary work.

  2. Theophrastus,

    The majority of articles are from contemporary authors, although they reserve a few spots for "classics" that apply to topic at hand.
