Monday, April 11, 2011

Common English Bible is Complete

The Common English Bible committee has completed its work. The first full editions will be available later this year. For more information, go here.


  1. As far as I can tell, this is the first edition that will include the Deuterocanon (and perhaps the Eastern Orthodox canon?).

    The psalter was just published in an attractive edition with the NT.

    The free NT give-away is over, but you can buy one for $2 at Amazon or $1.50 at CBD.

    Some points that I found interesting in the announcement:

    * the CEB contains 30,000 fewer words than "other popular translations."

    * A study Bible is expected in 2013.

    * Digital and online editions will start to appear in June and July 2011.

    * Most of the editions (such as the psalter listed above) include mini-atlases in back, but a larger atlas is being produced by National Geographic here. (Although I must say it looks like a entry-to-medium level atlas).

  2. Theophrastus,

    I may be interested in the the leather center column reference edition with concordance that will be available in December 2011.

  3. Do you think/know if there are any plans for a Catholic edition with imprimatur so that we can use it with some degree of interpretative theological confidence?

  4. I heard that they were going to try to get imprimatur.

    Regarding the reference edition -- I am not sure, but I understood that edition would be with no Deuterocanonicals/Apocrypha. One problem is that most cross-reference databases don't have cross-references to the Deuterocanonicals.

  5. I just received the CEB psalter.

    Here is Psalm 1:

    1 The truly happy person
    doesn't follow wicked advice,
    doesn't stand on the road of sinners,
    and doesn't sit with the disrespectful.
    2 Instead of doing those things,
    those persons
    love the LORD's Instruction
    day and night!
    3 They are like a tree
    replanted by streams of water,
    which bears fruit at just the right time
    and whose leaves don't fade.
    Whatever they do succeeds.

    4 That's not true for the wicked!
    They are like dust
    that the wind blows away.
    5 And that's why the wicked
    will have no standing
    in the court of justice --
    neither will sinners
    in the assembly of the righteous.
    6 The LORD is intimately acquainted
    with the way of the righteous;
    but the way of the wicked is destroyed.

  6. PSALM 23

    A Psalm of David

    1 The LORD is my shepherd.
    I lack nothing.
    2 He lets me rest in grassy meadows;
    he leads me to restful waters;
    3 he keeps me* alive.
    He guides me in proper paths
    for the sake of his good name.

    4 Even when I walk
    through the darkest valley,
    I fear no danger
    because you are with me.
    Your rod and your staff --
    they protect me.

    5 You set a table for me
    right in front of my enemies.
    You bathe my head in oil;
    my cup is so full it spills over!
    6 Yes, goodness and faithful love
    will pursue me all the days of my life,
    and I will live** in the LORD's house
    as long as I remain alive.

    * Or my soul.
    ** LXX; MT I will return
