Saturday, May 29, 2010
Ignatius RSV-2CE Revisited

Thursday, May 27, 2010
1951/53 "Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
A Brief Pause
Friday, May 21, 2010
Ignatius Catholic Study Bible NT Now Available

Thursday, May 20, 2010
NRSV Thinline Update

Monday, May 17, 2010
Catholic Family Bible: Divine Mercy Edition

Set to be released in June, The Catholic Family Bible: Divine Mercy Edition is being published by C.d. Stampley Enterprises Inc. Totalling 1724 pages, this family Bible comes in the RSV-CE translation. If interested, there are many online book sites that have this Bible for sale somewhere in the $60 range.
Below is a short summary:
This beautiful edition of Stampley's "World's Most Beautiful Bible" pays special tribute to the Divine Mercy -- a powerful devotion for experiencing the mercy of God, strongly supported by Pope John Paul II and based on the spiritual writings of St. Faustina Kowalska. This special edition Bible includes a 16 page full color insert on the Divine Mercy message and devotion and a gold stamped burgundy cover with the Divine Mercy image prominently displayed.
Additional features include sections on the Rosary and Stations of the Cross; an inspiring 48 page full color section on the Life of Christ; a "pilgrimage in pictures" to shrines and the Holy Land; Old Master illustrations of Prophets, Patriarchs, and other Heroes and Heroines of the Bible; a 16 page Family Record section on fine Parchtex Paper; deluxe side-sewn binding; gilded page edges; extensive study aids, including a 256 page Biblical Dictionary, Index and Concordance; and much, much more. Features the RSV-CE text.
The USCCB Approved Bibles List
USCCB Approved Translations of the Sacred Scriptures: 1991 – Present
Books of the New Testament, Alba House
Contemporary English Version - New Testament, First Edition, American Bible Society
Contemporary English Version - Book of Psalms, American Bible Society
Contemporary English Version - Book of Proverbs, American Bible Society
The Grail Psalter (Inclusive Language Version), G.I.A. Publications
New American Bible, Revised Old Testament
New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition, National Council of Churches The Psalms, Alba House
The Psalms (New International Version) – St. Joseph Catholic Edition, Catholic Book Publishing Company
The Psalms – St. Joseph New Catholic Version, Catholic Book Publishing Company
Revised Psalms of the New American Bible (I would assume the '91 NAB Psalms)
So You May Believe, A Translation of the Four Gospels, Alba House
Today's English Version, Second Edition, American Bible Society
Translation for Early Youth, A Translation of the New Testament for Children, Contemporary English Version, American Bible Society
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Ascension of the Lord

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Ignatius Press Top 10 So Far
1. Be a Man! by Fr. Larry Richards
2. Heart of the Christian Life by Pope Benedict XVI
3. The Loser Letters by Mary Eberstadt
4. An Exorcist Tells His Story by Fr. Gabriele Amorth
5. Theophilos by Michael D. O'Brien
6. Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict XVI
7. Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn
8. 7 Secrets of the Eucharist by Vinny Flynn
9. Ignatius Bible (RSV-CE2, Leather)
10. Ignatius bible (RSV-CE2)
Many of the selections are not surprising really. I know that the Fr. Larry Richards book is selling well and being used in a number of Catholic men's groups, like the one I am a part of. Jesus of Nazareth will continue to be a best seller, probably even more so as volume two is released later this summer. It is also nice to see that two editions of the RSV-2CE are on the chart. I wonder how this list will change once the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament is released in a few weeks? I have pre-ordered my edition, and I look forward to providing a review sometime in June.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
"Jesus of Nazareth Part II" is on the Way

According to the Vatican, the sequel to Pope Benedict's popular 2007 release Jesus of Nazareth has been completed and sent to the publishers. This edition will focus on the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus and picks up where the first volume left off. It is believed that it will still be a few months until we see Jesus of Nazareth II in English, perhaps by the end of the summer.
This gives us all plenty of time to re-read the first book over the next few months. If interested, we could have a little book discussion on this blog, examining each chapter of part I in detail. Hmm.....
Friday, May 7, 2010
A New NRSV Study Bible?
I wonder if there are looking to re-brand the older Society Of Biblical Literature HCSB as The NRSV Study Bible, much like the ESV Study Bible and the NLT Study Bible. We shall see. Hmmm.....
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Catholic Men's Bible

One area of Catholic Bibles that has yet to receive the attention it deserves is the need for a Catholic men's devotional Bible. The Catholic men's movement has been growing each year, with new conferences and fellowships popping up all over the place. Here in the metro Detroit area, where I live, each year the Archdiocese of Detroit holds a men's conference that attracts thousands of attendees. As a matter of fact, this year's conference has expanded and will be the first which will encompass all of the state of Michigan. I am also involved in a men's fellowship group that meets twice a month at a local parish.
This got me to thinking a bit about men's devotional Bibles. I know that there are a number of good, though primarily Protestant men's Bibles out there on the market, most notably in the NLT and NIV translations. Yet, there are, as far as I know, no Catholic Men's Bible available. On the other hand, however, a few Catholic Women's Bibles are available, most notably the Catholic Women's Devotional Bible NRSV from Zondervan. My wife has used it in the past, and when I had a chance to look at it I liked the overall format and additional devotional material included in it. I thought it was a very nicely put together edition. Are there any Catholic women out there who use this edition?
So, I guess we will see if there will ever be a Catholic Men's Bible on the market. One would guess that it is inevitable right? However, one would also assume that there would be at least a few premium leather Catholic Bibles on the market as well as a standard NRSV which comes with cross-references but, of course, we know how that goes!
Monday, May 3, 2010
The C.S. Lewis Bible.....Really?

Yes, it is true. HarperOne will be publishing The C.S. Lewis Bible in October. This hardcover edition will contain the NRSV translation and total around 1600 pages. In addition, this Bible will contain: "Over 600 Scripture-linked devotional readings from Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, and other classics---plus Lewis's letters, poetry, and less-familiar works as well as an introductory essays and presentation page." If you are interested in checking out some sample pages, go here.
While I am grateful to HarperCollins/One for their recent revival of the NRSV in attractive editions, but is this really necessary? This seems to be continuing the trend from HarperOne, with the publication of particular theme oriented Bibles like the Green Bible and Catholic Faith and Family Bible.
Perhaps they will come out with The J.R.R. Tolkien Bible when The Hobbit movie is released? ;)