Saturday, October 31, 2009
New Oxford Annotated Bible 4th Edition Due in February
It seems strange, at least to me, that they would be releasing this edition so soon after the 3rd augmented edition, which came out only in January 2007. However, in many ways, the bar has been raised in the study Bible world with the recent releases of the NLT and ESV study Bibles. I hope they offer this edition with a genuine leather cover.
Here are the features of the upcoming NOAB 4th Edition:
The premier study Bible used by scholars, pastors, undergraduate and graduate students, The New Oxford Annotated Bible offers a vast range of information, including extensive notes by experts in their fields; in-text maps, charts, and diagrams; supplementary essays on translation, biblical interpretation, cultural and historical background, and other general topics.Extensively revised--half of the material is brand new--featuring a new design to enhance readability, and brand-new color maps, the Annotated Fourth Edition adds to the established reputation of this essential biblical studies resource. Many new and revised maps, charts, and diagrams further clarify information found in the Scripture text. In addition, section introductions have been expanded and the book introductions present their information in a standard format so that students can find what they need to know. Of course, the Fourth Edition retains the features prized by students, including single column annotations at the foot of the pages, in-text charts, and maps, a page number-keyed index of all the study materials in the volume, and Oxford's renowned Bible maps. This timely edition maintains and extends the excellence the Annotated 's users have come to expect, bringing still more insights, information, and perspectives to bear upon the understanding of the biblical text.
· The renowned New Revised Standard Version Bible translation, the scholarly standard for study of the Bible
· Wholly revised, and greatly expanded book introductions and annotations.
· Annotations in a single column across the page bottom, paragraphed according to their boldface topical headings.
· In-text background essays on the major divisions of the biblical text.
· Essays on the history of the formation of the biblical canon for Jews and various Christian churches.
· More detailed explanations of the historical background of the text.
· More in-depth treatment of the history and varieties of biblical criticism.
· A timeline of major events in the ancient Near East.
· A full index to all of the study materials, keyed to the page numbers on which they occur.
· A full glossary of scholarly and critical terms.
· 36-page section of full color New Oxford Bible Maps, approximately 40 in-text line drawing maps and diagrams.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
So, What Are You Reading These Days?
One of the reasons for this is that I have once again started making time each day to sit back and just read. It has been a few months since I finished a book, but I am very excited to be working on a number of them currently. Of course, it's not like I haven't done any reading over the past few months. But with marriage preparation, lesson plans, a honeymoon, and pair of senior retreats, there just seemed not to be much free time. However, that has now changed...I think.
And I am very glad it has, because I have been able to start reading through two newly ordered books, which I have greatly enjoyed reading so far. The first book, which I am almost finished with, is Michael J. Gorman's Inhabiting the Cruciform God: Kenosis, Justification, and Theosis in Paul's Narrative Soteriology. Anyone who has read some of Gorman's other works will be familiar with the themes in this book. In particular, his analysis of kenosis in the Christ-hymn of Philippians 2, and its broader connections to the identity of the Triune God has made for some very interesting reading.
Along with Gorman's book, I have also been skimming through Scott Hahn's Covenant and Communion: The Biblical Theology of Pope Benedict XVI. Hahn points out that many of the books written about Pope Benedict fail to capture his deep reliance on Scripture which is at the heart of his writings and teachings before and after his election to the See of Rome. The first part of Hahn's book spends considerable time discussing Pope Benedict's view of the historical-critical method. As Hahn points out, Pope Benedict sees the historical-critical method as being "an indispensable" tool for Biblical scholars. It is indispensable precisely because the Christian faith is based in history. Yet, while we must continue to use the historical-critical method in our exegesis of Biblical passages, we cannot separate it from the faith of the Church. Without faith, the text remains only a historical relic, which cannot be brought to the present. Ultimately, the Church is the guardian of the written Word. There is, of course, a lot more to this, but I have found this book to be a wonderful summary of Pope Benedict's Biblical theology.
One last book that I have picked up, but have yet to start, is Scott Hahn's reworked doctoral thesis Kinship by Covenant: A Canonical Approach to the Fulfillment of God's Saving Promises. This is one of those books that is over 600 pages long, with half of it being end notes. Fun stuff! No....I really mean it! I hope to start this in the next week or so.
So what are you reading these days? Any new releases that I should check out?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
This Sunday's Gospel

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Pope Creates Ordinariates for Anglican Dioceses
It will be interesting to read the Apostolic Constitution once it is signed and released by the Pope. If you would like to read the Joint Statement made by the Catholic Bishop of Westminster and the Archbishop of Canterbury, go here.
For some commentary on this historic announcement, check out these sites:
Review of NRSV Notetakers Bible

Saturday, October 17, 2009
New Douay-Rheims Edition

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Your Favorite Bible Edition

While it seems that I am always looking for the "next best thing" in regards to Catholic Bibles, there is one thing that has remained constant over the past few years: My favorite Bible edition is still the Cambridge NRSV Reference Bible with the Apocrypha--French morocco leather. While there have been times when I have been "tempted" to switch Bible translations, I always seem to fall back to this edition. Although it is true that I am sympathetic to the NRSV translation, the overall quality of this Cambridge edition, including not only the Moroccan leather, but the plentiful cross-references, thick paper, 18 maps, and truly helpful glossary, make this edition a true gem for Catholic Bible readers. There is no other Bible that meets my needs like this edition of the NRSV.
But how about you? What Bible edition do just absolutely love and use? This question has less to do with a particular Bible's translation, but rather the whole package. Feel free to give a glowing report of your favorite Bible, including any links to websites that provide further details about it.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Catholic Bible Concordance RSV-CE

Just wanted to give you all a heads up that The Catholic Bible Concordance RSV-CE, with foreword by Scott Hahn, has been released and is available for purchase. This edition is published by Emmaus Road Publishing.
Below is a brief description:
The first and only concordance for the Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSV-CE) of the Bible. This exhaustive reference tool contains over 15,000 words and 300,000 entries, and has listings for both the first and second editions of the RSV-CE. As easy to use as a dictionary, keywords and passages makes Scripture accessible to people of all walks of life. Durable bound hardcover.
The Emmaus Road site also has a nice interview posted with the concordance compiler Christopher Lyons, which you can read here.
The Catholic Faith and Family Bible and Online Resources

Saturday, October 10, 2009
10 Random Beliefs Meme
1) I believe in all that is contained in the Apostles and Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creeds.
2) I believe that predicting when the Second Advent will occur is futile and against the teachings of Scripture.
3) I believe that we will have an African Pope in my lifetime.
4) I believe that Pope Benedict XVI is a more intelligible and engaging writer than John Paul II, even though I credit John Paul II with my whole returning to Christ and current ministry work.
5) I believe that U2 is the greatest Rock n' Roll band ever.
6) I believe that the Detroit Lions will never win the SuperBowl.
7) I believe that within the next five years I will be driving a fuel-efficient/hybrid automobile. (That all depends on the price of the car!)
8) I believe that the History Channel doesn't actually show history programs anymore, unless you really are in to the occult lifestyle of Hitler, Nostradamus, Aliens, Logging, and Bigfoot.
9) I believe that my recent purchase of an I-Phone will be a great help to me, however I need to make sure it doesn't turn into an idol.
10) I believe that married life is a wonderful thing!
I tag: Jeff, Missy Francis, Rakhi, Erin
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
The CTS Bible: A Second Look

In a previous post back in November of 2008, I gave some of the details of the CTS New Catholic Bible. At the time, I had received the small travel edition which was even smaller than I had anticipated. For me, it was a little tough to read, and last time I checked I had 20/20 vision. Therefore, I sort of pushed it aside and never gave it a proper review. Well, during my honeymoon in Roma, I stopped in a Catholic bookstore and spotted the larger, presentation edition of the CTS Bible on the shelf. I figured that it would be a shame if I didn't buy at least one Catholic Bible while in Rome, so I made the purchase. I am very glad I did!
The standard size is very similar to the size of a typical Liturgy of the Hours or Christian Prayer volume. This means it isn't too small to be considered compact, yet is not as large as a standard medium sized Bible either. Overall, the size is very portable, yet big enough to be used as an everyday/every occasion Bible. The page format is also well designed, much like most editions of the Jerusalem or New Jerusalem Bibles. It is single column, with cross-references on the sides, paragraph headings, and commentary at the bottom. In many ways, I think this is the best page layout that I have seen in any recently published Catholic Bible. The page layout truly invites the person to read and stay with the text.
The main text of the CTS Bible is the Jerusalem Bible, with two exceptions. First off, the Psalms are not from the Jerusalem Bible, but are rather the Grail Psalms. Most of you in the United States who pray the Liturgy of the Hours will be familiar with them. Secondly, by request of the Pope, all references to "YHWH", which was one of the unique features of the Jerusalem Bible, have been changed back to "the LORD". What does all this mean? Well, basically this Bible is exactly the what one would hear at Mass in the English speaking world outside of North America, where the NAB and NRSV are used. Nice concept huh?
The CTS Bible also comes with multiple study helps, including four Bible maps, full book introductions, including when a book is read during the liturgical year and why it is important in Christian liturgy, and verse commentary/notes. The book introductions and commentary were newly produced by NJB editor Henry Wansbrough OSB, member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission. The commentary notes often highlight historical-critical issues and they are not as plentiful as in the standard edition of the NJB. There is also a very helpful appendix with information on historical framework of the Bible, weights and measures, Sunday and Weekday Mass readings, and Psalms/Canticles for 4 week Breviary cycle with Office of Readings. Also, they added the nice touch of including not one, but three ribbon markers. Thank you very much! Overall, the CTS Bible has within it plenty of information, both scholarly and liturgically, to keep you satisfied.
The CTS Bible is a fine Catholic Bible. Although the translations used are over forty years old, the presentation and tools included within its covers are very up-to-date and most welcome. If you are looking for an all-purpose Bible, this is definitely a top contender. If you live in the UK, then it is a necessity, since you can feel comfortable bringing this Bible to both Mass and Bible study. If you are living in the USA or Canada and want a new edition of the Jerusalem Bible or if you really like the Grail Psalms, then this Bible is for you. In my opinion, I think it would be a very good thing to see publishers of the NRSV, RSV, or NAB learn from what the CTS has done for future publications.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I have returned!